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I do something everyday to help myself beat anxiety, stress, feeling down, and any other negative emotions. I do it for myself, by myself and now I would like to point others in the right direction. Long ago, I was looking for a cure, I knew I had to change and help myself, it was not going to find me if I wasn’t looking and applying myself. Today, I am a more confident, calm, and wiser version of myself. I still have negative beliefs, but I am learning to live with them, and not take them as true, but rather as my inner guide! The blog is about how to help yourself. So, what makes this blog any different to other health blogs? Well, I know how hard it can be to motivate yourself to do various activities in daily life, so I’ve set out and found simple and effective remedies! I find other articles to be too detailed, and less effective in explaining the simple things first. 

I hope you find inspiration, motivation and most of all, you find yourself growing to be the best version of yourself! If it doesn’t, don’t worry, simply ‘be okay’ with it, and keep applying yourself! 

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